Tuesday, December 22, 2009
I know that I'd like to sell bread, but haven't figured out what kinds. Some places sell certain types of breads on certain days. I like the idea, then you only make certain loaves each day.
What do you think are must have items? Things you would expect to be able to purchase if you walked into your favorite bakery. I'm kind of at a loss and would love some ideas.
Friday, December 18, 2009
New Beginnings
I have a goal to open a bakery. I know that the economy is rough and that I live in a very small town but I know that it will work.
I still have many skills to work on, so I thought I would use this blog to share my success and to beg for help when I fail. Tips from others would be greatly appreciated.
One day I will be the proud owner of a bakery, but for now, it's time to perfect the craft.
"God gives us dreams a size too big so that we can grow in them." ~Author Unknown
Please join my on my journey.
Monday, October 5, 2009
I'm Back
Through these rough times, I've come to realize that I have some areas I need to focus on. I don't know how much time I have on this earth, but I'm planning on it being quite a bit more so I have some things I'd like to accomplish.
1. My pastry/bakery. My goal is to create enough business, that I have to find an actual location to run it out of. Complete with equipment and maybe an employee or two.
2. Preparedness. Over the last few weeks I've really felt impressed to get some things in order. I feel that I need to start canning and building up a food storage.
3. Power Hour. Spending time everyday focusing one hour on exercise, meditation, journal writing, scripture study and personal development. I plan to use this time to keep my blog more current.
This is just the beginning of my list. I'll post more as they come to me.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
“Our achievements of today are but the sum total of our thoughts of yesterday. You are today where the thoughts of yesterday have brought you and you will be tomorrow where the thoughts of today take you.” ~Blaise Pascal
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Fast forward a few hours, I'm at work reading an e-mail that came in. Every Friday I get a inspirational story sent to me. Yesterday's hit home. It was about a 62 year old man who competed in a 350 mile race across the arctic ice. He described it as toughest thing he'd ever done. He even thought about quitting. But the thing about this race is that because of the cold he couldn't quit. Because if he did, he would die.
What he learned was that "We are capable of much more than we believe we are capable of."
It's so easy to give up, quit. But we are capable of so much more. My idea is still a good one. I have to keep going.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
I am starting a new adventure. I want to open a pastry shop. Not sure where or when, but over the last few weeks I've been cooking up a storm. Donuts, bread, muffins, cobbler, all the good things that are so bad for you. Mostly family and co-workers are my taste testers but I'm branching out a bit to some other friends.
It's been difficult to stay positive about my adventure. I fight off the voice that tells me that this is probably the most terrible time to start a business. But I am ignoring it. I have learned that my thoughts are powerful and if I want this to work I need to see it succeeding and to push out those negative thoughts. It's a daily battle, but one I plan to win.
I'll keep you posted.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
As I thought about what to write today, gratitude came to mind. We are very blessed and sometimes I guess I forget it. Both my husband and I have jobs. We have a place to live, food on the table, vehicles to drive, gas money, insurance, electricity, I could go on and on and on.
Sometimes it gets easy to focus on whats missing and forget to see what's good about life. I know that I need to spend a bit more time being thankful.
"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a
present and not giving it."~William Arthur Ward
Saturday, June 13, 2009
The Pursuit of Happiness
I struggle with the movie because I tend to be a quitter. When the going gets tough, I quit. I love my comfort zone and I know that success takes place out side that zone.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Yesterday's Post
Failure is a detour, not a dead end street. ~Zig
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
It's how you tell the story
"What I didn't talk about were all the balls that landed in the woods and didn't bounce out. I didn't mention the trophy I won for the most lost balls in one round. Jim doesn't know I lost the hole-in-one ball in the woods on my next shot, and he doesn't know that the day I got four birdies, my final score was twenty-two over par."
He didn't share all the negative when he talked about his golf game, he shared the positive. We all have positive and negative things in our lives. Where is our focus?
I quit watching the news because out of 30-40 minutes of news, you get 5 minutes of positive and all the rest is the negative, nasty things in this world. But what do we talk about when we get the chance? Are we sharing the positive in our lives or are we dumping our negative experiences on our friends, family, co-workers?
"Life is hard - life is good. It's how you tell the story." ~Michael T. Smith
Monday, May 18, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I realized today that I still want things. I could probably list 15 or 20 things off the top of my head, but I am very grateful for what I have right now. That list might take me a little longer to come up with, but I bet it would be longer than my list of wants.
God has truly blessed me in this life and while I want to do better and have more, I know that I need to stop and remember and be thankful for all that he has given me. Right now, today.
Monday, May 11, 2009
The Dream Giver
So many times I've wanted to pursue a dream. In the early years, I let people talk me out of it. You know, your friends and family who only have your best interests at heart, but they steal your dream. Sounds harsh I know, but it really is true. Unless your dream is to be the world's biggest drug dealer (or something along those lines) what harm is there in going after it.
As I got older and read more, I got to a place where what people thought of my dream didn't matter, but I still gave up because it was hard. Things didn't work out right away, or I failed. What I didn't understand is that there is some learning involved before you get to live your dream. As much as I wanted to believe I had it all figured out, there is so much more to know.
Now, I understand about learning but there's still more. There comes a point where you have to go all in. Are you willing to do whatever needs to be done, make the sacrifices that need to be made and have faith it will work out.
This is where I'm at. I'm standing on the edge, trying to decide if I am willing to give all I can to make my dream work. After struggling all these years, it's hard to put yourself out there one more time. It's hard to push away the doubts and the negative and focus on the big picture. I know it will be worth it, but sometimes I just wish it was easy.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Woody Hayes
I sometimes feel like other people must have so much more time that I do because they are able to do so much. But we all have the same number of hours in a day, it comes down to how we choose to use them. I find myself focusing on what I can't seem to get done rather than focusing on doing the best I can. I have also realized that sometimes you have to get up off the couch even when you don't feel like it. It's so easy for me to come home from work tired and use that as an excuse to not do anything. Then I'm kicking myself for not getting things done. Usually a few focused minutes will go along way.
I've got too many things that I need to accomplish that I will use my time productively. I'll get my relaxing time, I always do. This way, I can relax without feeling like I've let myself down.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
What I didn't realize is how much it effected me outside of work. I caught a cold, I felt tired all the time even after eight hours of sleep, I just really did not want to do anything or be around anyone. (not so good when you have a family)
Now that the situation has past, I look back and realize that I felt the stress because I wanted things to work out one way and there was really no way that was going to happen. I find myself trying to fix things and sometimes you just have to accept things the way they are. It doesn't mean you've failed it just means that you can't control the situation.
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are
challenged to change ourselves. ~Victor Frankl
I now have my challenge. It's me that needs to change. Each day needs to have some time set aside to focus on personal growth. Not always easy to do, but I think that it's got to feel way better than how I've been feeling these last few days!!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Norman Vincent Peale
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Poor Me
When I get this way I've found that the best way to get past it is to count my blessings. It seems like when I focus on all the good things in my life, I tend to be less focused on what I think is lacking or not exactly the way I want it.
So, today I am grateful for my family; my husband and kids, my home, my job, my health, my opportunities to learn, my challenges (more chances to learn), my seminary class, my cars, my clothes, my freedom, my friends, and my faith
How can I feel sorry for myself when I have so much. I am blessed with so much I have no reason to complain.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I know that there are so many things that I want to do but I never get around to doing them. Sometimes it's because I decide that it wasn't really something I was interested in after all, but most of the time, I walk away because I'm scared I will fail.
Most of my life I have chosen the things I want to do based on one criteria. "Can I do it?" If I didn't think I could, I never tried it. Play it safe was my motto. Do only those things you know you will succeed at. There were still failures but I could justify them with the thought of how much worse it could have been.
Over the past 15 years or so I've read a lot of books. They've taught me different things, but I never changed how I looked at the things I wanted to try. This year has changed all that. I have been introduced to a new way of thinking. I have met people who have made decisions to do what they love and are successful at it. I've learned that sometimes the hardest step to take is the first one.
So far my steps have been very small. But little by little I know I will work my way down the path to the goal I'm working towards. Sure there maybe some failure along the way, but I'll never know what I can do if I never get out there and try.
"You are probably only one step away from greatness." ~Bob Proctor
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I really liked this quote, it made me think back to high school. I wanted so bad to fit in. I was different, I guess now maybe I would say an original, but I so wanted to be a copy. I know now that I will never be like everyone else, because I have been given my own unique talents, gifts and abilities. Rather than fight it, hide them away and pretend that they don't exist, I've decided to embrace them, grow them and do my best to share them with others around me. Everyday I am able to benefit from the talents, gifts and abilities of those I come in contact with. I just hope that I am able to give something back in return.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Last Week
"Happiness doesn't depend on outward conditions. It depends on inner conditions." Dale Carnegie
I needed to look inside me. I was focusing on everything around me without focusing on myself. Last week I took a break and didn't read and study like I should. It's amazing how letting personal development slide just a few days really effects all aspects of your life. Last week was an eye opener for me. It reinforced to me, the fact that I to take time each day to focus on positive things. I don't want another week like the last one.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Norman Vincent Peale"
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
How to Win Friends and Influence People
I read through chapter one yesterday and started through the second time this morning. The principle in this chapter is "Don't criticize, condemn or complain." Carnegie shares stories from Lincoln and Teddie Roosevelt explaining how they made mistakes in dealing with other people. Since I've read this book before this wasn't new to me. I don't really see myself doing this to other people. I don't get in some one's face and list all the things they've done wrong or tell them how awful they are.
Then I had a thought, there was a person that I did do that to; on a regular basis, without mercy. MYSELF. I expect perfection from me, when I don't hold anyone else in my life to that same standard. Why?
I realized that I needed to treat myself like I treat other people. I should value myself as much as I value someone else.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Who am I?
I use to do everything I could to avoid thinking about it. I usually didn't have anything really nice to say about myself so it was better to not say anything at all. Then we were heading to Salt Lake and I had an assignment. "Look yourself in the eyes in an actual mirrror. Ask yourself what it is that is great. Not physical appearance, but what you perceive about yourself on a deeper level." The second part was to list what wasn't so great.
I was suppose to list 20 items for each. I tore through the not so great part. I had to stop myself at 20. Then came the great part. I struggled. At first I couldn't think of anything. But slowly I found one thing; then another. It was so hard but I finally came up with about 15 things.
What I realized is that I have unique gifts and talents, given to me by my Heavenly Father. I can choose to focus on what talents I wasn't given but what kind of servant does that make me. In the parable of the talents, three servants are given talents. Two of them work with their talents and increase them while the third hides his until the master returns. The two that did something with their talents are praised and rewarded while the third is rebuked and his talent taken from him. Which servant was I?
I know now that I need to do something with my talent and increase them, not focus on what I wasn't given. Each day I strive to increase my talents by using them, learning more about them or sharing them.
"If you had a friend who talked to you like you sometimes talk to yourself, would you continue to hang around with that person?" ~Rob Bremer
Sunday, March 29, 2009
I have a journal that I bought several years ago, and off and on I would write in it. Things that were going on, struggles, etc. There were maybe eight entries each year. I haven't been very good at keeping up on it.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Daily Effort
From the story: "The principle her daffodil garden taught is one of the greatest principle of celebration: learning to move toward our goals and desires one step at a time - often just one baby-step at a time - learning to love the doing, learning to use the accumulation of time.
When we multiply tiny pieces of time with small increments of daily effort, we too will find we can accomplish magnificent things. We can change the world."
Thursday, March 26, 2009
The first definition of character I always think of is "moral or ethical quality." But another is "the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing." We are all special in our own way with gifts and talents. It took me such a long time to figure that out. I think it's probably been just over the last ten years that I really started to understand this idea.
This brings me to my idea of working with kids and their self-esteem. I can see how easily character can be torn down, even when someone doesn't mean too. But if you know who you are and understand your gifts and talents, how much harder would it be to tear down your character.
I've had it described to me this way. "Standing in Power." I truly want to help kids feel that they can stand in power and not be torn down. What a world we would live in if everyone understood how great they really are and worked to help others succeed.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Happiness is a conscious choice, not an automatic response.I can decide whether I'm happy or sad. I know that so many times I find myself blaming others for my unhappiness. "If they hadn't said that, I wouldn't be upset." Maybe that person shouldn't have made that comment, but I control how I react, not them.
This is something I have to think about all the time. I have found that if I stop and take a minute before reacting to a situation or comment, I tend to have a better attitude.
~Mildred Barthel
It's all up to me.
Friday, March 20, 2009
I came across this in a book that I am reading right now and it made me very sad. This means that only twenty percent of humans are happy, more rich than poor, more healthy than sick, and more confident than fearful.
The 2008 estimate of the world's population is 6,679,493,900. That means that 1,335,898,780 people are in the happy category and that over 5,000,000,000 are not.
WOW! My hope and prayer is to be able to reach just a few of those 5 billion people and help them to see that they are special. All of us have God given talents and abilities that make us unique. The hard part sometimes is knowing what we've been given and how to utilize them.
A great point was brought to my attention that I need to share. "Think what kind of difference the 1,335,898,780 happy people could make in this world." I owe that great insight to my hubby.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Pure Love of Christ
I love the opportunity I get to teach the New Testament this year. We are in 1 Corinthians, studying charity. Charity is defined as the highest, noblest, strongest kind of love, not merely affection; the pure love of Christ. I posted this verse because as I read it, I realized that there are many times that I have done things for others more out of obligation rather than charity.
Thanks to this lesson, I know I need to focus more on that pure love of Christ rather than serving others because that’s what you are suppose to do.
Thursday, March 12, 2009

What an amazing world we would live in if everyone knew this and truly understood it. I discovered my light while in Salt Lake and I know that I need to help others discover theirs. I will be asking for input to help me understand what is needed and how my ideas can be put to the best use.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Fear can be a crippling emotion. I know that I have past up opportunites because I was afraid I would make a mistake.
"Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic."~Unknown

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Staying Positive
Attitude: According to dictionary.com, attitude is defined as "a feeling or emotion toward a fact or state." This says to me that I can change my life by changing the feelings or emotions I have towards something. Sounds pretty easy, but then there's reality.
Some days are rough, like this morning. I had gathered up my clothes that I planned to wear today, but by the time I got to my room to get dressed, I had lost part of them. I was already a little late, so I looked around quickly and went and found something else. At lunch I found my lost clothes. I had stopped by our office to grab something and had dropped my clothes in there.
- I have clothes - even though I couldn't find what I wanted to wear, I did have something to put on.
- I have a job - in today's economy that's a very, very good thing
- I have a roof over my head - The house I live in isn't my dream home, but I'm dry and warm.
Sometimes it is really easy to focus on the negative feelings. I've found that I have to put positive things around me all the time to fight off those negative emotions. I read a lot of positive quotes and books. I've also stopped watching the news. I know that I want to change my life so I've started taking steps to change that attitude. It would be easier if it was a one time thing, but unfortunately I've learned that its a daily, even moment by moment process.